Campaign Finance Reporting

Local candidates, officeholders, and specific purpose committees file Campaign Finance Reports and related forms with the City Secretary's Office. This page serves as an introduction to some of the rules and regulations related to Campaign Finance for local filers. However, it is in no way comprehensive. If you have questions about campaign finance, please contact the Texas Ethics Commission.

Code of Fair Campaign Practices

The Texas Ethics Commission recommends that candidates file Form CFCP (PDF), signifying their intentions to uphold the principles of decency, honesty, and fair play described in the Fair Campaign Practices Act. This form is voluntary. If you do choose to file it, it can be submitted along with your Application for a Place on the Ballot and Form CTA. 

Campaign Finance Reporting 

According to Texas Election Code, Title 15 (the "Fair Campaign Practices Act"), the City Secretary's Office is responsible for receiving and providing access to Campaign Finance Reports from local candidates, officeholders, and political committees. It is the responsibility of each candidate, officeholder, or committee to ensure that all required campaign finance documents and reports are filed according to the published schedule, including, but not necessarily limited to, those listed below. Candidates, officeholders, and political committees should familiarize themselves with the Campaign Finance Guide for Candidates and Officeholders Who File with Local Filing Authorities (PDF) (as well as items listed in the "Helpful Links" section below) to ensure that they are fulfilling these requirements.

Appointing a Campaign Treasurer

Texas Election Code also requires that an Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer (via Form CTA (PDF)) be filed by candidates and political committees with the City Secretary. This is a requirement whether or not you choose to file under "modified reporting", even if you do not anticipate accepting campaign contributions or making any campaign expenditures.

Election Reporting

An opposed candidate who has not opted for "modified reporting" for the current election cycle (or who no longer falls under the threshold for modified reporting) must file Form C/OH (PDF) both 30 days and 8 days before the election. For timely filing, each of these pre-election reports must be received by the City Secretary's Office (in Town Hall, 1614 S Bowen Road, Pantego, Texas 76013) no later than 5:00 p.m. on the report's due date. However, a person who has elected modified reporting and who remains eligible for modified reporting is usually not required to file these reports. See the "Modified Reporting" section on page 19 (page 22 of the PDF) of the Campaign Finance Guide (PDF).

Semi-Annual Reports

Generally, candidates and officeholders are required to file a Campaign Finance Report (FORM C/OH) by January 15 and July 15 of each year. These semi-annual reports must be filed even if there is no activity to report for the period covered. An officeholder who selects modified reporting yet has an active Form CTA (Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer) on file must still file semi-annual reports until they act to end their filing obligations (see below). 

Ending Filing Obligations

If a filer expects to accept no further political contributions and to make no further political expenditures and if the filer expects to take no further action to get elected to a public office, the filer may file a final report. This can be accomplished by completing a Final Report of Contributions and Expenditures, which is simply Form C/OH, including the final page (marked "Page C/OH-FR"). A filer should also indicate on the cover sheet under Item 9 that this is a "Final Report." Note: Page C/OH-FR should not be filed with earlier reports, as it terminates Form CTA and relieves the filer of any additional filing obligations as a candidate. If the filer is an officeholder, the filer will still be subject to those filing requirements applicable to officeholders. An individual must have a campaign treasurer appointment on file to accept contributions, including those used to offset or pay campaign debts. The following is a checklist for local filers who seek to formally end their campaign:

  1. Determine whether you will have any further reportable activity in your campaign.
  2. Designate the Campaign Finance Report (Form C/OH) (PDF) covering the last reporting period you must file as your final report if you expect no additional reportable activity in connection with your candidacy. Your final report:
    1. Relieves you of the duty to file additional reports that are required of a candidate; and
    2. Terminates your campaign treasurer appointment.
  3. Determine whether you have unexpended contributions (leftover funds or assets) when you file your final report. If you have no unexpended contributions, you have ended your candidacy by filing the final report and you do not need to take any further action with your local filing authority.
  4. File annual reports of unexpended contributions if you have leftover funds or assets.
  5. Dispose of unexpended contributions in a specified manner within six years of filing your final report.

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City Secretary
1614 S Bowen Road

Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.