Permits and Contractor Registration

All permit applications, contractor registrations, certificates of occupancy, and related fees are processed via MyGov. Payments and applications cannot be accepted in person or over the phone. If you have questions, call 817-617-3700 or email staff.
Building and Sign Permits
Most construction or repair projects require a permit. Wall coverings, floor coverings, and minor repairs do not, however. Routine permits (e.g., water heaters, irrigation systems, repairs) are typically approved within three (3) business days. Permits requiring review by the Building Official may take up to one (1) week. The full review process for major renovation or new construction may take two (2) weeks or longer.Contractor Registration
If you are a contractor applying for a permit on behalf of a property owner, you must first register as a 'collaborator', then request access to the Town of Pantego and confirm your email. Once you have access, from the Town of Pantego's dashboard, submit your completed registration and fee.

Related Forms and Registered Contractors
Permit Support Specialist
Blythe Reaves
General Information
Phone Numbers
Fax: 817-617-3726
Emergencies: Dial 911
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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