A Citation for an Expired Driver’s Licensemay be dismissed if you renew your license within thirty (30) days from the date of your citation. Along with a $20.00 administrative fee, you must bring or mail to our office your temporary license (which indicates the date of renewal) no later than the appearance date listed on your citation.
A Citation for an Expired Registrationmay be dismissed if you renew the registration and pay the twenty percent (20 %) late registration fee to the county at the time of registration within thirty (30) days from the date of the citation. Along with a $20.00 administrative fee, you must bring or mail to our office a receipt showing the date of registration renewal and that the twenty percent (20 %) penalty was paid no later than the appearance date listed on your citation.
A Citation for Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility (FMFR)may be dismissed without a fee if you did have valid liability insurance but did not have proof with you at the time of the traffic stop. You must bring or mail to our office proof of liability insurance that was valid at the time of the citation no later than the appearance date listed on your citation.