Animal Control and Impoundment

The Public Works Department enforces local ordinances regarding unrestrained, vicious, or nuisance animals. Impounded animals are held for three (3) days at the Silcox Animal Care & Adoption Center. After three days, the animal becomes the property of the City of Fort Worth. Fees related to the control, capture, and impoundment of animals vary. To claim an animal, the owner will need to provide its assigned identification number (which can be provided by staff) and a receipt showing payment of fees to the Town. If the three-day impoundment period has lapsed and the pet has not been claimed, dependent upon facility space limitations, animals may be put up for open adoption or euthanized. 

Pet Registration Required
To guard against animals being impounded, the Town of Pantego requires that all pets or otherwise domesticated animals be licensed and registered. Please bring the following to Town Hall (1614 S Bowen Road):

  • Proof of current rabies vaccinations
  • Completed Pet Registration Application (PDF) (including microchip ID, if possible)
  • $10.00 fee per spayed or neutered pet; $15.00 each, otherwise

Main Menu
General Information
Phone Numbers
Emergencies: Dial 911
1614 S Bowen Road

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm